Friday, August 6, 2010

Music For Meditation and Healing - A Free Service

Which New Age Music for Meditation and Healing do YOU Need?

Sound is the Oldest Form of Healing

Sound is the oldest form of healing and of that it is the sound of the mothers voice that is the most important. In the 80's Sony conducted research that showed sounds played to babies while in the womb influenced their behaviour. It has been proven that like animals human babies can detect their mother's voice from other females and there is evidence that they can do this in the womb too. Other research has shown that babies can remember and recognise sounds from the womb a year after birth.

The Colour of Music

Each colour has a corresponding musical keynote which in turn resonates with the respective chakra.

Keynote Chakra

C# - Base, D - Sacral, E - Solar-Plexus, F# - Heart, G - Throat, A - Brow, B - Crown.

Sympathetic resonance is the projection of sound vibrations that cause another object to vibrate as it has the same frequency, singers breaking glasses in one example as is metal vibrating to heavy bass sounds. We can experience a sympathetic resonance in our bodies in areas that have a similar vibrational frequency. Playing music of the corresponding colour can have the same effect as the colour itself as it resonates with the respective chakra frequency.

What Meditation Music for Healing Do You Need?

Many music websites advertise they offer free music for meditation, but the New Age Blog offers a free consultation as only help and advice from a qualified colour therapist can help you decide which frequencies you need to balance your chakras and repair any damage to your aura for music meditation and healing.

Featured new age music artists openly embrace New Age beliefs so they provide a unique service to those looking to use new age music for healing, so if you need advice as to which music would be best suited to the stresses of your life to help you maintain a sense of well being and balance you can contact them and they will advise a personal selection of music.

They have a wide selection of music CD's that can be used in conjunction with Reiki, meditation, magick, angel healing, colour therapy, aromatherapy, spiritual healing, and for uplifting inspiration.

A Free Music for Meditation and Healing Service

Visit the New Age Music for more details, visitors are under no obligation and no purchase is necessary.

� Trevor Mayes is a qualified colour therapist and proprietor of the New Age Blog which includes new age music and Colour-Counselling-Therapy-Healing which specialises in online diagnostic colour therapy and healing gemstones which is particularly suitable for stress relates issues.

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