Thursday, July 29, 2010

Beginner Breathing Techniques in Meditation

Your breath is your link to health and vitality. Learning to breath correctly forms the cornerstone of all yoga and meditation techniques. Known as pranayama, (control of the breath) breathing techniques can be used in a variety of ways in meditation.

Meditation is an ancient practice that brings about inner peace, balance and clarity. Originally, the domain of spiritual seekers and monks, meditation has become popular in mainstream culture, workplaces and even in schools. When you meditate, you strive to achieve a state of inner calm and balance. This helps you to focus, be more productive and agile in your thoughts.

As a beginner you may feel overwhelmed by all the advise and guidelines surrounding meditation and even wonder what breathing has to do with meditation. Pranayama and meditation form part of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, which offer you philosophical, spiritual and practical understandings on your path to enlightenment.

Meditation is the process whereby you are able to still and quieten your mind. During meditation you travel inwards and with practice, you are able to fully experience a deep sense of calm, clarity and conscious connection with all humanity. Meditation has been liken to observing the sea on a calm and clear day. You sit and see beyond the horizon and grasp a glimpse of your true potential.

There are various meditation techniques available to beginners, ranging from using your breath to focus your mind through to walking active meditations.

Three Beginner Breathing Techniques In Meditation

Your breath forms the link between your mind and your body. Have you noticed that when you are sad or unhappy you gulp and sigh or when you are angry and frustrated you tend to take sharp intakes air?

To help you learn how to use your breathe to calm and steady your mind, practice the three following beginner breathing meditations. Once your thoughts are steady, it is easier for to make decisions, think clearly and even priorities commitments.

1.Observe Your Breath. Sit in a comfortably position. Make sure your back is straight and body relaxed. You can sit on a chair or on the floor in a comfortable cross-legged position/meditation cushion. Take a steady breath in through your nose and slowly exhale through your nose. Gradually, turn your attention to your breath and just observe the way you are breathing. Don't change or force anything. Just sit still and focus on the movement of your breath - from your belly to your ribs and upper chest.

Anytime you notice your attention wandering away from observing your breath, simply acknowledge your thoughts and gently bring your awareness back to the breath. Stay still and continue in this practice for 2-5 minutes.

2. Counting Each Breath. Sit as before in a comfortable position. Become aware of your breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose and count "one". Slowly breathe out and count "two". Breathe in and count "three", breathe out and count "four".... Continue counting your breaths up to number 10. When you reach number 10, go back to number one. Repeat for 2-10 minutes. If your mind wanders during the practice and you lose concentration, just return your attention to the breath and begin counting from number one.

3. Cleansing Breath Meditation. This meditation helps you to release negative feelings and frustration and replace them with a more positive and uplifting energy. Sit upright in a comfortable position,hands resting on your lap. Tune into your breath and spend a few moments gently breathing in and out through your nose. On the next inhalation breathe in the word "love" and as you breathe out "love"....continue with breathing in and out the phrase "love" for 5-15 minutes. Slowly open your eyes and remain still and be aware of the sensations and energy flowing through your body.

As a beginner in meditation, practicing these three breathing exercises give you a solid foundation into using your breathe to calm,clear and balance your mind.

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Peace and Blessings, Ntathu Allen, Yoga Teacher

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