Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Meditation Technique

This is a guide for a quick meditation. No, you don't have to sit cross-legged and start chanting. This one is easy so follow along and enjoy. The first step is to remove yourself from all distractions, this includes the telephone, loud noises, television, anything that is designed to grab your attention. We want to lower the amount of stimulus in the room so we can relax. Make sure you are sitting in a comfortable position before you start. The whole purpose of meditation is to alleviate stress. When you think about it, stress is a form of mental illness. There's nothing that stress can do for you besides cloud your vision.

In your mind you probably have a lot of things to do, and to think about. Lets visualize all those things and put them aside for now. We'll worry about them later, for the next 15 minutes we'll focus only on ourselves. Try to focus on only breathing, that's it. All you have to do is breathe right now. Sometimes we get so distracted by our busy lives that we forget to do what we are naturally inclined to do. Sit still for a few minutes and only breathe, don't let any other thoughts distract you. Breathe in for a count of 8, or whatever time is comfortable for you. Next, breathe out for 8 seconds. As you start to relax you'll find that you can breathe deeper and slower. Breathing slower is decreasing the amount of physical stress on the body.

After a while your heart rate will begin to slow down, and so will your breathing. Don't be afraid this means your body is relaxing. When your body is relaxed you tend to produce more body heat. Again, all of this is normal and shouldn't be worried about. These are all symptoms of you shifting into a more relaxed state of mind and body.

If you seem to have trouble relaxing, try tensing and then relaxing your muscles. Begin with your legs and move up to your head. At the end of this exercise your muscles should be fully relaxed. Remember to sit upright though. You don't have to sit straight up in a way that's uncomfortable, but don't slouch.

Some people prefer to visualize things while they meditate so that their focus can be limited to only one thing. I like to visualize myself sitting in the middle of the desert, but you should pick your favorite place to be.

Meditation has become a big part of Chris's lifestyle. Visit his blog at

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