Alpha meditation is well worth mastering, as this type of meditation has many benefits. In this article we'll take a look at one of the easiest ways to learn to access the alpha brainwave state, which is by using binaural beats.
What Are Alpha Brainwaves & Alpha Meditation?
Alpha waves are brainwaves with a frequency of around 8 to 12 Hz. Although the brain produces brainwaves of a variety of frequencies at any one time, when it is predominantly producing alpha waves, is said to be in the alpha state.
We all spend time in the alpha state naturally each day, such as when we close our eyes, during periods of daydreaming, or when beginning to drift off to sleep or waking up. Alpha meditation is used by people who want to access this state in a more deliberate manner, to experience its full benefits.
Some Alpha Brainwave Benefits
The alpha brain wave state has a lot to recommend it. Here are just some of the main benefits that you can experience when you learn to tap into this state at will:
Improved concentration Improved learning abilities Improved creativity Stress release and mental relaxation Physical relaxation Increased feelings of wellbeing
However, if you're not used to meditation, it can be tough to maintain alpha brainwave production for prolonged periods. For most people, the chatter of their conscious thoughts starts to get in the way, and brings the brain back to the more alert beta state, which involves production of higher frequency brainwaves.
Fortunately, by using brainwave entrainment technologies such as binaural beats, you can access and maintain the alpha brain state much more easily.
Binaural Beats And Alpha Meditation
Binaural beats are created in the brain when you listen to two pure sine wave tones of slightly different frequencies through headphones. One tone enters through each year, and the brain processes these to produce a third tone, which is equal in frequency to the difference between the first two. For example, if you listen to tones with frequencies of 350 and 360 Hz, your brain will produce a 10 Hz tone.
The brain then tends to match (or entrain to) this 10 Hz tone. This means that the brain matches its own brainwave output to this frequency. So in this case, the brain will produce brainwaves with a predominant frequency of around 10 Hz - which is in the alpha range.
In this way, using a binaural beat recording which is designed to take your brain into the alpha brain state, makes alpha meditation much easier. And eventually, you may become so used to accessing this state, that you'll be able to do it even without using the recording.
You can learn more about how to use binaural beats at my site. And if you decide to take advantage of the great power of binaural recordings for alpha meditation, I suggest checking out the alpha brainwave meditation recordings from - you'll find these under the 'Meditation' section in the menu on the left. These are great quality recordings and fully guaranteed - and you can also get some free downloads as well, so don't forget to check those out while you're over there.
Loren Mann is an experienced 'explorer of consciousness' who enjoys writing about self-development topics and sharing helpful, high quality resources, and may receive compensation as a result of making these recommendations.
Article Source: the Original article
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