In today's world, many people are having to cope with huge amounts of stress. Whether it be financial, bought on by the world economic slowdown, emotional - the result of relationship breakdown for example, or having to work longer and longer hours at work and at the same time worry about whether they will be the next to be "downsized", the threat of stress related illness is very real.
Indeed much research has been carried out which seems to confirm a strong correlation between stress and serious illness, cancer and high cholesterol for example have been cited as being contracted as a result of high levels of stress.
Another illness that has been shown to be exacerbated by stress is psoriasis. This condition therefore offers an excellent opportunity to prove that meditation can have a positive effect on this disease.
The journal, Psychosomatic Medicine, published a study in 1998 that had been conducted by the famous bestselling author who founded the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre. The goal was to find out to what degree mindfulness meditation could help cure the disease.
37 individuals suffering with psoriasis who were due to have some light medical treatment administered were randomly divided into 2 groups. The first group were to have the light medical treatment only, whilst the second group would still have the treatment, but combined with mindfulness meditation based stress reduction between treatments.
The results were impressive. Not only did the group who had the mindfulness meditation in addition to their medical treatment respond better to the medical treatment, their psoriasis cleared up more quickly, by a factor of 4, than those who had had the medical treatment alone!
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Article Source: the Original article
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